Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. (Proverbs 18:21, AMP)

The Bible verse above does not need much explanation. Words are powerful, and they can kill or bring to life. You can use your words to set yourself (and others) on the path of success and prosperity, or you can use them to bring yourself to destruction. The tongue has a powerful relationship with the mind, one where it reveals the thoughts of the mind, and also supplies thoughts to the mind. This is why words are so powerful.

What we say often mirrors what we think, whether we sincerely believe them, or are just echoing someone else’s thoughts. As soon as we verbalize thoughts, we give them the next level of legitimacy, and those words in turn inform our minds (as well as other hearers’ minds) of what we believe and expect. The more your verbalize a thought or idea, the more legitimate it becomes, and the stronger the drive to realize that idea.

This is why it makes a lot of sense to talk about what you believe in and desire in life – there are mental and spiritual implications to every word you say. Similarly, this is why it does not make sense to repeat or restate something you do not believe or know to be true, because that makes you a double-minded person at best, or a hypocrite at worst. Your words provide a metric standard of measurement for the state of your mind.

Let me close with a few practical thoughts. Do not speak lies or spread rumors – that makes you a co-conspirator in doing evil. Speak the truth, and declare God’s Word about yourself – that makes you a co-creator with God in doing good. Words can bring to life or put to death. Be a life-giver, not a killer. Before every idea comes to life, it is first spoken of. Let your tongue be an incubator of good things, and be a giver of life through your words. Shalom!

Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak]. (Ephesians 4:29, AMP)

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