“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right.” 1 Samuel‬ ‭12‬:‭23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

At the core of a Pastor’s heart are two central responsibilities he/she has made a lifelong commitment to – intercession and instruction, in that order. Although Samuel was famous for being a seer and a mouthpiece for God who anointed Israel’s first two kings, his true ministry credentials were rooted in his commitment to God’s people.

He did not merely bring God’s Word to the people and remain detached thereafter. He was passionate about seeing the people thrive in God’s purpose for them while obeying God’s commands to them. He went so far as to consider it a sin not to pray for the Israelites. That is binding yourself to a high standard that no one can demand of you.

There are fewer ways to better show love to someone than to consistently pray for them. It requires thoughtfulness and a deliberate attitude. It also requires an awareness of their present state which often means staying in touch with them. Intercession is burdensome because it requires carrying the people’s needs in your heart, not just voicing wishes to God. It only persists and becomes effective where there is true love.

Similarly, instructing others in the Word of God is not merely about knowing what God’s Word says or being able to give accurate interpretations. It is dependent on a commitment to finding and applying God’s truth to various human circumstances. It requires a lot of reflection and a commitment to soundness, but also a loving heart that recognizes that doing God’s will is the best way to live.

The beautiful thing is that God has so many pastors, many of whom are not even ordained, and many of us will have a (sort of) pastoral assignment towards people around us, in praying consistently for them, and instructing them in the right way. This is crucial because not everyone will be connected to churches, and in today’s world of mega churches, there are many churchgoers/believers who have little or no personal connection to pastors in their church.

If you have a pastor who has been committed to praying for you and instructing you in the Word of God and the right way to live, you should honour them as the Scriptures teach. They are deserving of it because they labour to see you stand complete in God’s will. Be sure also to watch out for those people to whom God will send you, to pray for and instruct in different seasons of life, whether in a formal pastoral role or otherwise. May our works be worthy of the Lord’s reward at His coming. Amen.

2 responses to “A Pastor’s Heart”

  1. Ikeh Myiralobari’ Avatar
    Ikeh Myiralobari’

    Absolutely a huge task being a Pastor. The pressure and the commitment to stand right before the Master and plead on behalf of the people and seeing them grow, physically, spiritually and otherwise can only be imagined.

    God bless and keep our Pastors safe,even at their home- front. Amen

    Thank you very much for drawing our attention in this direction.

    Wisdom and insight

    1. thetoyintaiwo Avatar

      Amen again! It’s a huge task, and all of us are called to a mini version of it (at least) as we help others around us stand right before the Lord.

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